March release – review

Hi all!

Just a quick update to notify about the status of the works.
2.6.29 kernel has been released last week, and reiser4 patches are finally available.

I’ve still got three main reasons, though, to delay a bit more this release:

  • if you look at the the kernel Changelog, the git one, you’ll find out that in the last week a huge amount of fixes have been merged concerning the networking, like entire new schemas for handling packets/connection, not to mention important updates to the hardware drivers and still some others. So, hoping it’ll be the next week, I’m still delaying to wait for to come out
  • I’m stumbling upon some places were information about gcc and glibc release engineering should be diffused, so to know if I may end up missing some critical feature for just some days’ advance
  • I’ve got very busy schedules at university, which allow me to spend only 1 hour per day on my PC, that means I don’t know how fast I will be able to work on the medias, especially the part concerning testing and troubleshooting. If is out before Saturday, expect a release timed for Sunday evening. Else, for the week after (yes, we’re probably going for an April release anyway)

Apart from the reasons above, I think I’ll be releasing the stages first with some advance from the CDs, if I find no critical toolchain update is to be published before Saturday.

About the author

Fabio Scaccabarozzi

Ever since 2002, I experimented with Linux. After some time spent on Slackware and Mandriva, I found Gentoo, I've been using it since then and I acquired a lot of knowledge on the internals of the distribution. I have created and mantained a custom liveCD targeted to power users and systems engineers, with a lot of tools usually not included in standard distributions and exotic filesystems. I'm currently working as a senior system administrator in Zurich, Switzerland.

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